Monday, March 11, 2013

Gestalt Closure with DOG and compound path

I am gradually remaking the images in my "Examples of Gestalt Images" in Adobe Illustrator CS6.
This image is an example of closure in Gestalt  because the eye fills in the lines where the dog's belly and back should be and where the left edge of the "o" should be..
I can already see things I should have changed. The dog's paws are not distinct. Maybe the line of the dog's back should be there instead of being hidden. The letters are almost stacked.
Below that is the directions to make something like this. If you try these directions, please let me know how they worked for you.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love with Heart and Arrow as Gestalt Example

I was reviewing the differences between the compound path and clipping mask features in Adobe Illustrator and I saw lots of possibilities for Gestalt images. So on Sunday, March 10, I created this 8x6" image.
I see this image of the word "love," a heart and an arrow as an example of continuation, because the eye sees white space that moves from the tail end of the arrow to the head of the arrow.
I also made a file with directions. If you try this, let me know how well the directions work. I see now that this is an old version of the directions because it mentions pink lines. There are no pink lines in this image.
Now that I look at it more, the pink body of the "E" stands out too much. Maybe I can slide it down further later.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Examples of Gestalt Principles poster

I have assignments to work on during Spring Break, but also a need to review and refine my understanding of some of the principles of design that I learned last semester.
So I started Spring Break on Saturday, March the 9th by grabbing some text and images from the web and assembling them into a one-page 8.5x11" sheet or small poster in Adobe Illustrator to remind me of principles of Gestalt.
The Graphic Design website at Spokane Falls Community College in Spokane, Washington furnished the images and most of the text. There were some typos and I see now that I missed at least one.
Many thanks to this helpful website:
I wish I had time to create my own text and images. That may come later.

Friday, March 1, 2013

TPR contest design 03-01-2013

Update: Z Wright submitted the winning design out of over 100 submissions. See his design at:
Critique:  A mockingbird is perched on a farm road sign while wearing headphones.
In Z Wright's design, the sign is seen at an angle, which is perspective with subtle use of movement to the right. The mockingbird's body is twisted, providing contrasting movement, and is grayscale, which contrasts with the white-on-black sign and the little red headphones.

Last night I created two versions of one design for the TPR (Texas Public Radio) T-shirt design contest, due today, March 1, 2013.
Rules specified that the design had to include "Texas Public Radio," "," the three call signs, fit into a space no smaller than 8x8" nor larger than 11x11", two colors or less.

I used a font like that in the logo, which has an accent of purple.
The catch phrase is in the TPR logo.
Normally I will enlarge the image to be cropped off the page, but this design will be worn on a T-shirt. It doesn't need to look like it's flowing off a page that isn't there.
Now I wonder if the smartphone needs a plug coming out the top for head phones, or should viewers assume the person listening to TPR on this phone is wearing a Bluetooth?
The "WiFi" arcs need to be more tightly arced in a smaller circle.
The corners of the phone should be more rounded.